A rally was held in honor of the first landing of the naval assault forces during the Great Patriotic War


October 4 at 12.00 at the yacht club Baltiets held a memorable event. The rally was dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the first landing of a naval assault on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In October 1941, several amphibious landings were landed on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland. Their task was to reject the fascists from the gulf and unite with the units of the 42nd and 8th armies defending Leningrad and Oranienbaum. In an unequal battle, almost the entire landing force died. But the fascist German forces were forced to maintain their concentration at this turn, which weakened the general attack. This allowed our troops to prevent the fascists from entering Leningrad. As a result of the five amphibious operations, almost a half thousand people were lost. Their memory was honored by veterans of the Great Patriotic War gathered at the rally, representatives of various public organizations — veterans of the marines, FSB troops, "Residents of besieged Leningrad" "Children of War".

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05.10.2014 - 12:14